N16 Leather Seats conversion, Tuner Bolts, Nismos etc etc

Hello again every1,

I no I'v been out 4 a looong time just been hecticly busy at work.... not had time... but I did get my new Almera which Ive given to family to ride for a while which means I had the sport+ a lil longer.

But the week I bought.. and had the New Almera I started my first Mod Immediatly with some original Blue Elegance Almera Leathers. I saw a bloke on Ebay with an Elegance model Almera, n I said to him I'd give him my seats n cash on top for a swap over, he was like yeh fine. The sik thing was both out had airbags so the engines needed to be switched off, and once the swap was done the airbag light came on for a second and went off like it normaly does when you start it but it was just 1 of those scary momments lol. But I had to give the car to fams for a couple a months should be getting it back anytime soon, when I do. I hope to get back on the modding scene if time permeits.

This is my Previous post for any1 whos forgotten lol


Just took very quick picks for you guys and some old shots in here too. P.S brembos have been removed so they can be installed on the New Almera when I get my Hands on it.









looking nice. how much did you pay for the seats and etc etc. also what size are the discs on the front and back of your car

yes the original Alloys off the car I'v iinstalled the leathers in, are up for sale. cheers the 8 spoke rims there. Can take pic off all four for you if your intrested.
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