Just thought I would introduce myself as I will likely be asking a few questions in the coming months, been a member on here before but couldn't remember any login details. Just bought a 2005 plate 1.5SE for my better half and so far she loves the car we had a 2000 plate car a few years back which was a great car but a bit thirsty being a 1.8.
A few questions just to get me started.
- A bit of water in the spare tyre well, never noticed it when we got the car was probably dried before we got there. Planning on running a hose over the back window with me inside or paper towel below the seal to see what direction its coming from. Any known areas for water ingress I should check?
- Passenger side electric mirror not working, driver side fine so assuming its the mirror itself. Not a big deal can move it manually by pressing on the glass.
- Most concerning there seems to be a little play in the engine or gearbox mounts. I can feel it in the gear stick when changing gear, nothing major at this stage but should I be looking at getting them replaced. Is this common on almera's I have a feeling the other one was the same.
Thanks for any info sure I will have more in the future.
Just thought I would introduce myself as I will likely be asking a few questions in the coming months, been a member on here before but couldn't remember any login details. Just bought a 2005 plate 1.5SE for my better half and so far she loves the car we had a 2000 plate car a few years back which was a great car but a bit thirsty being a 1.8.
A few questions just to get me started.
- A bit of water in the spare tyre well, never noticed it when we got the car was probably dried before we got there. Planning on running a hose over the back window with me inside or paper towel below the seal to see what direction its coming from. Any known areas for water ingress I should check?
- Passenger side electric mirror not working, driver side fine so assuming its the mirror itself. Not a big deal can move it manually by pressing on the glass.
- Most concerning there seems to be a little play in the engine or gearbox mounts. I can feel it in the gear stick when changing gear, nothing major at this stage but should I be looking at getting them replaced. Is this common on almera's I have a feeling the other one was the same.
Thanks for any info sure I will have more in the future.