basicly i have a pretty important question to ask,
when i got my gti from graham bennet the other week all is fine apart from a thermostat leak (fixed now) and the manifold has a slight leak!
further examination has uncovered that who ever fitted the manifold was to bloody eager to get it on that they sheard two studs and didnt even bother putting in another(well thats wat im thinking or hoping and that it has not sheard off in the head or block wat ever you call it.
so where does this leave me.................
1- i get everything off and hope to god the bolts dont shear off when trying to extract with a stud extracter and just put new studs on with new nut,

failing this and they break off,

i have the hole block stripped sent away to have holes welded then halo drilled with new thread and sent back and put back together witch sound exstremley exspensive,

can anyone help or give advice

thanks for reading
Just try and extract them yourself, if you can't, then get a new gasket and crank up the bolts that are left, and hope it dosen't blow.

take the car to a good machining shop, they should be able to do it no problem with the engine in situe
the manifold bolts to the head not the block, you should be able to get them out with a extractor but you'd be best off getting a pro to do it, as the bolts are steel and tghe head is alloy, its very easy to be drilling the edge of the head insetad of the bolt
the skyline's snap these bolts all the time and need to have them done like that
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