new discs

Can anyone tell me (cant be bothered to take wheels off) what i need to do to take the front discs off my N16? i think it's 18mm socket on the caliper mounts as they'l need to come off but what holds on the disc itself?

bin a while since had the front wheels off and cant remember whats behind them.

Got new discs and pads to be fitted so gona try and take advantage of the extra day off this wkend


Disc just "floats" really, usually just held on by the wheel itself, sometimes theyre held on with a screw to keep them pressed against the hub
i know i had a floating disc on my 100nx but i knu that because everytime i took the wheel off the disc moved but when i've had wheels off the N16 in the past the disc has seemed quite solid in its place.
i managed it earlier on, didn't quite follow the caliper but got them off in the end. Passenger side took a little persuasion!

put new 1's on, not much grip on them at the min though! i thought i had some dics cleaner to clean off the oily layer on them but i didnt and it was rainin so they went on and it'l just have to wear off :D
Yeah, I was really surprised these are floating - before I put my new EBC ones on, I was reading all the guff on the back of the box about using a dial gauge to check for straightness as you tighten the screws and stuff. But it seems like Nissan just thought 'fuck it'...

Biut what d'ya mean by disc cleaner - proper off-the-shelf stuff? White spirit should do the job fine...
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