Somebody wrote my car off a few weeks ago so I've been on the lookout for a stopgap car to replace it with until I can get sorted with a nice Audi Tdi or something - and ended up with a 1998 GTi for £975. It's had a few dents and scratches, but thing is, after just a couple of drives, I absolutely love it and think I'll be hanging on to it a lot longer than the 6 months or so I'd originally planned...
Anyway, just been on e-bay / Amazon looking for workshop manuals and it seems that the only CDs are for N16 models, and the N15 Haynes books don't cover GTi. Is this right? If not, what do you recommend as owner's guide?
Also, just been checking out the technical section for the N15 - is it me, or have all the posts been removed?
Somebody wrote my car off a few weeks ago so I've been on the lookout for a stopgap car to replace it with until I can get sorted with a nice Audi Tdi or something - and ended up with a 1998 GTi for £975. It's had a few dents and scratches, but thing is, after just a couple of drives, I absolutely love it and think I'll be hanging on to it a lot longer than the 6 months or so I'd originally planned...
Anyway, just been on e-bay / Amazon looking for workshop manuals and it seems that the only CDs are for N16 models, and the N15 Haynes books don't cover GTi. Is this right? If not, what do you recommend as owner's guide?
Also, just been checking out the technical section for the N15 - is it me, or have all the posts been removed?