New Owner

Hi all, Just bought myself my first Almera ph1 1998 Gti.
Only 60,000 miles and in pretty good nick. Only problems I seem to be having with it is that especially when cold it is very jumpy (seems to be transmition) until into third gear and the clutch which is only 4,000 miles old is very sensitive and hard to control. Just wondered if all Gti's are like this or mine has got further problems.

I gave it service this morning. Which included Oil Change and Filter, Fuel Filter, new Plugs, ht ignition leads look to be ok. Hasnt changed much.
Car seems to be standard other than pipercross induction and janspeed backbox. The kangarooing (jumpy) is strange because the engine runs sweet as a nut until you want to move.
My thoughts are maybe timing or fuel/air mixture. Have also checked vacuum hoses, all seem to be attached.

Any experiences or suggestion to what it may be would be great.
hey welcome :)

I think pretty much all gti's, possibly even all cars!, do the kangarooing thing when they are cold. Might be a case of your sensitive clutch amplifying this! Don't know about your clutch though tbh...mine's pretty heavy and easy to control...

Wait until the oil gets a bit thin and you will beworrying about the weird noise you hear when starting up from cold.. will last about 2 to 5 seconds then go.. just the timing chain picking up oil I believe.. or hope! :)
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