new tino owner

hi all ive just got a 54 tino 1.8s overall impressed by the room only prob is the idle speed and engine speed between gear changes is mental. it sits at about 1800 rpm and hunts too ive cleaned everything to no avail however i can hear an hissing noise from the right of the engine as im looking in and there appears to be 2 hoses not attatched one has a blue band on it and is behind the airbox to the left the other is to the right of the airbox shaped like an umberella handle.ive noticed some hoses have a white or red stripe on them but this blue one goes nowhere any ideas anyone. where can i download any manuals from too thanks and merry christmas
hi all ive just got a 54 tino 1.8s overall impressed by the room only prob is the idle speed and engine speed between gear changes is mental. it sits at about 1800 rpm and hunts too ive cleaned everything to no avail however i can hear an hissing noise from the right of the engine as im looking in and there appears to be 2 hoses not attatched one has a blue band on it and is behind the airbox to the left the other is to the right of the airbox shaped like an umberella handle.ive noticed some hoses have a white or red stripe on them but this blue one goes nowhere any ideas anyone. where can i download any manuals from too thanks and merry christmas
Are you sure this is even a car lol.
Sound's like you describing something out of wallace and grommit ,iv'e never seen pipes that have white,red or blue on them unless they are aftermarket pipes like silicon hoses etc.

Get some pictures up let's have a gander:)
the hoses have a thin red white and blue stripe poss aftermarket as a marker when changing things but looks like a manufactured stripe ill sort some pics out tom
is your car automatic transmission by any chance? they are breather pipes coming from your gearbox and nothing to worry about;)

you need to know/find where the hoses go to,ie,blue one looks like it could be a gearbox breather,find where they lead back to and what bit they plug onto,that will give an idea of where they should be going to.

The engine idle problem and hissing sounds could be to do with one of these pipes,if one is coming from the inlet manifold for example,it is trying to make a vaccum,it could go to a servo or valve in the air cleaning or emissions system,have you tried blocking the hose ends? see if it is one of them causing the hissing.

It looks to me like maybe they are the same hose that may of been replaced or part replaced with a wrong hose,they might be ment to go together,do the ends show any signs of being cut recently or rough cut?
ive joint them up and blocked them off with it having blue on i would have thought it went to something
Jesus christ you have joined up and blocked off pipe's that look like gearbox breather's pipes or similar to me, without even investigating yourself as to where they connect to and yeah obviously they do go to something:eek:
no i joined them up to see if engine slows down and it didnt so both still unattatched 1st pic poss breather from gearbox but dont think the 2nd is y would there be 2 one colour coded
any other reasons why my revs are at 2000 then hunt and settle at 1500 and inbetween gearchanges the revs dont drop.i was told by ask a mechanic site to pull the plug on the sensor on the air box to see if any change in engine tone and yes there was it also brought up the eml ooops but ill get that off i think
Your throttle body may need a clean with carb cleaner but i doubt you will be able to do it yourself.
leave the pipes alone they are not causing the idle to fluctuate up and down. It's why they are shaped like umbrella's at the end to breath and at the same time, to stop crap getting down them.

If i was YOU i would take it to a garage and let them look at it!.

Edit- 1 pipe is for the gearbox to "breath" and the other pipe look's like it's probably a relief pipe/valve off the carbon canister=excess fuel vapour?
ive done the throttle body relatively clean only one is umberella shape the one with blue isnt it would be good to find another tino owner and compare pipes
also the breather from the air box at the very end near the lights appears to be sucking rather excessively to the point of sucking my hand if i put it over any ideas on that thanks in advance to any reply
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