newb from the states

new to the forum, will be moving to lakenheath england in the summer....and will be shipping my car out there.... and this is the only site that is pretty much the closest thing to my platform.... i gotta b14 w/ a sr20ve on a little bit of boost....and i will post the pics over in the pic section.... and i do need some info on how to pass MOT out there w/ my car....
thanks in advance.....
hi there yes your car will require a SVA test. (single vehicle analysis) all imported cars go through one before they are allowed onto the uk's roads. when this is carried out they will check everything from emissions to even the speed rating on your tires. just out of intrest is your car a sentra or a 200sx?
Nice one, You'll have one of the rarest car in the UK. lol

Im sure the American car laws are just as strict as the you should fly through the test. You wil have to tell them it has a 20VE+T...instead of a lowport DE. haha
thanks for the welcome guys.....
question really is will they fail me:
deleted catalytic converter
window tint
swapped motor
hid headlights
aftermarket exhaust
thanks for your help...
Emissions will definately be too high without the cat, so just put one in for the MOT

Window tint, if its on the front windows then the cops will probably have something to say, not sure about MOT though

HID headlights usually fail MOTs as well

Basically just swap things over for the MOT and then put them back afterwards. I presume you will be using an american company for insurance so you wont have a problem insuring it?
yea the hid i can swap over pretty easy....but the window tint in the front window is fairly light would it still be problem???
my insurance is already taken care of so im good....
i just hope they pass my car when i get out there......
rigged200 said:
yea the hid i can swap over pretty easy....but the window tint in the front window is fairly light would it still be problem???
my insurance is already taken care of so im good....
i just hope they pass my car when i get out there......

Light tint is ok....think it has to let in 75% of light. You should be ok, but tit'll only be the little things they may pick up on..but stuff you can easily change for the test.

The car looks very well built..and it's shocking DIY jobbies they clamp down on.
Welcome to the forums! I'm actually on a trip around the States right now, in Los Angeles at the moment, there are loads of Infiniti G35s here!

Spotted this on I-10 this morning though hehe:

James :)
hi there u wont be far from me, i know a few guys of lakenheath base thought the jap car club i'm also part of be nice to c ya around when u get here and hope ya cars passes ok

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