Newbie Joining The Club...

Hi all,
Just joined the site and thought i'd say and take the opportunity to pick your brains...

Since i got my Almera GTi (N15) a few months back, ive noticed an annoying rattle coming from somewhere behind the clocks or maybe in the dash, mainly when im accellerating and the revs are around 3000-4500rpm. Its quite irritating!

Just wondering if anyone else has had this issue and what they did to rectify it. I have a feeling it could be just a loose screw or something but i dont want to have to start opening the whole thing up if i dont have to.

Any ideas?


Welcome to the club!

Buying an Almera means welcome to the world of rattles! I think most people on here have just learnt to live with it. Turn the radio up and get a loud exhaust :D

It is one of those things that you could end up pulling everything apart and never find anything...

They are old cars now too... I think you will get use to it!

(That said, I don't know to what extent your rattle problem is)
Get some jdm earplugs lol,rattles,squeeks annoy the fook out of me though in all fairness..I try to ignore them but ocd makes me find the cause and gives me a inflated sense of achievement when I solve them,good luck finding it.
It may be an exhaust heat shield rattling at that rpm. If it is behind the dash its fairly simple removing trim, spraying some silicone to stop squeaks + some zips ties and padding to stop rattles etc.
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I chopped up a bike inner tube into little squares and have put a piece between every bit of trim that a screw goes through, even with poly mounts the only rattle I have is MY FUCKING BONNET!!!
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