nice big hello and some help needed

hi guys hows everyone doin

got a bit of a prob with my P reg almera, tis only a ikkle 1.4 gx

my power steering has been makin a right racket for a over a year now and i need to flush it / clean it out

anyone offer any tips photos or have pdf manuals or summit i can go by

im not great with cars as i mainly mess around with motorbikes

any help will be much appriciated


gaz mc
Whats the fluid level like? Could be that the pipes to the cooler behind the front bumper have split, its a common thing to happen, I just had to reroute mine on monday!
the fluid level is fine.. im thinkin (if im right) that the filter would want cleanin so im prob just gonna empty it flush it, clean the filter and put some fresh stuff in... im on holiday next week so if weather holds out a little illbe able to have a good look at it
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