Not above 3000rpm

Hello there!

I have a Nissan Almera 1.5. 2001mod.
It's been my bestfriend for 3 years now until it started to act funny 2 weeks ago.
It started out small, I could not achieve a higher RPM then 5000rpm.
I know this is not a superpower engine in principle. :p
But this was more than what I would call normal. I was doing okay with not going over 5000rpm in the beginning. but eventually it was just getting worse and worse.
Now I can't get it over 3000rpm at all standing still, and it dies when I try driving it.
Does anyone have an idea what this could be? Mixing between fuel and air?

Hopeing for some answers here :)
maybe the timing chains stretched, not really up on the n16 model mate but im sure some one this will pop up soon
but try cleaning the mass air flow sensor (the thing attached to the air box) could even be the clutch slipping, when was it last changed?
ive had an alternator/battery/power/spark issue like this, but im under ther impression that this problem might be intermittent with you, whereas it wasnt with me,
maybe the timing chains stretched, not really up on the n16 model mate but im sure some one this will pop up soon
but try cleaning the mass air flow sensor (the thing attached to the air box) could even be the clutch slipping, when was it last changed?
Don't think it's the clutch, it's the same problem when it's in neutral.. so i think the reason it's dying is the rpm problem
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