oil catch tanks and sumps

what do you lot reckon on oil catch tanks any good? i know roughly what they do, but is it work getting one, also how do i go about baffleing my oil sump or getting a dry sump now this i dont have a clue about?
help anyone?
cheers :D
Not much point in a catch tank really,more use on turbo engines.I had one before and never got a drop of oil in it,which is the way it should be for a healthy engine.
cheers, wot can you do to make sure that you allways have a good oil feed pick up? ie when your cornering fast etc?
I`ve never had a problem with that. Just make sure you change the oil often and use a really good one.
Check touring car breaker sites as there is occasionally SR20 dry sump pans for sale. For as little as £100 sometimes, but you'd still have the cost of the other peripherals
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