Orange indicators

Hey there,

Just wondering how a lot of you guys have done your orange indicators on your N15's.

I have a VZ-R and want to do it too. I've thought of orange duracel? and I know that autech pulsars came with orange indcators?

How does everyone else do them?
What sorta spray is it though? cos I don't want it to dry so that the light can't go through. or will any orange spray paint work and I'm being paranoid. I've done a rough job with duraseal, and it looks good from a far, but up close you can notice a few bubbles and things in it, so I'm keen to re do it. might try the rattle can paint job. cheers for the help!
Im not too sure as to what spray it is? Maybe tinting spray. Also, i think it was Kez who made a thread somewhat relqted to her indicators, there might be something on there. Names Kez do a little search
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