Putting in a new door

Hope i have this in the right section, some little scrote tried to break in to my car, will he suceeded, bent a door and smashed a window, anyway, got me a quote for fixing it and we are looking at €480 to pop out a dent, fix a lock and bend the door back in, have found a door in a breakers that matches up, is it a matter of bolt off bolt on and reconnect the cables or is there anything really technical about it,

I took most of the door panel off earlier and just saw a maze of wires, if i got the whole panel off, would it be possible, without taking off the glass to push a bump, just under the outside handle, and save all the replacing door crack

Its pretty simple, just unbolt, reconnect wires and replace. Only sort of difficulty is replacing the door lock.
sorry to hear that someone tried to break in, they must of been jealous! I mean who wouldn't be? The almera is the car everyone wants lol. How much have they quoted you for the second hand door?
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