Radio Aerial

Hey peoples

I've managed to break the aerial off my mera, i can now only pick up one channel haha (sometimes two if i'm lucky!!). Anyhoo, would it be a straight swap if I got one off another almera?

PS - Its a P1 Si
where did you break it off.
if you broken it from the cable end then get a male radio end and crimp it on.
if you broken the screw on end on the roof then get a new aerial and hid it some where I got mine hidden inside the A Pillar as I got a OEM radio and planning to refit my radio in the glove box.

edit: if its a phase 1 broken from the roof you could get a replacement one from the scrappy but I am not sure how its screwed or bolted on im sure your roof lining has to come off
P1 aerial is above the drivers door, oval shaped bit of plastic, with the telescopic metal bit, from memory I think there is a screw in the top...... might be able to get it out without moving the lining,

The P2 aerial has a bolt underneath the roof lining which you have to undo, It cant be pulled off from the top.
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