Random Plugs


Staff member
Ive found a few now taped up around the car wondering what they could be from/for.

this one is coming from the ECU harness, Nats possibly?


theres another in the engine bay which I will try and get a picture of later
Sorry but I think they are grounds. This what they look to me.
Could be the sensor grounds as this doesn't look like a plug to me.
My harness has it also.
all the grounds ive seen on these cars are black colour only. if theyre not all black then theyre not all ground id say, hard to tell because of the flash bouncing off the insulation
Theres loads of randoms ones behind the dash. Its just the generic loom with different options not plugged in. For example all dash clusters have the option of Exh Temp warning and Washer Fluid Level. The Autech uses Exh Temp but not Washer Fluid Level. Theres a random plug next to the A/C radiator as well. The other posibility is that its a read-out port. The R32 GTRs (and probably other ones as well) have small taped up plugs similar around the bay for Nissan to plug whatever console into when they want to run diagnostics.
Yeah thats the one. Comes in under the passenger seat. Someone told me once that it was to warn you the cat was hot if you were parked in long grass :lol: :lol:
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