Replacing N15 broken wheel studs

I went through a pothole last night and managed to sheer off 3 of the studs which were holding my wheel on. I have watched youtube videos and it doesn't look like a massive job so was going to attempt the repair myself.

The main problem I'm having so far is finding out what the stud size actually is and where to buy them from. Any help would be greatly appreciated on this.

The car is currently stranded in a muddy lay-by so can't even check the size of the one remaining stud.

Cant remember off the top of my head but 12x1.25 sounds familiar. Do an ebay search for them and they will come up. Otherwise im sure someone else will comment soon.
Easy job bud,

Wheel off, caliper and carrier off, disc off, then knock what's left of the stud out in the space it can be done (you'll see a gap that will allow the stud to come out.

then fit the new ones (12x1.25) in place pulling through with a steel nut :)
I just found a guide online that used a caliper rewind tool when putting the caliper back on after doing the repair. Is this completely necessary?
Do you have aftermarket alloys fitted, and no spigot rings by any chance? Studs shouldn't snap like that.
I've done this before... as above...

Remove wheel
Remove calliper, pads, and carrier
Remove disc
Take a lump hammer and give a quick, sharp blow to what ever is left. Mine came out REALLY easily
Fit new . I used a nut and just wound it all the way down to "pull" the stud through. Do not over tighten
Refit is the reverse of removal, just keep an eye on the nuts to ensure they don't work loose over the next few hundred miles!

I got my new studs from Nissan, I also got new nuts but they were quite expensive for what they were but at least I knew they were right!
If your wheel nuts have a closed end, and i asume they will, make sure you put a few washers on the stud before the nut goes on otherwise the nut will bottom out and ruin the end of your new studs.
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