Rev counter trouble

Hey all im a newbie here only got my 97 SI yesterday il probley do a couple of pics in the newbie thread soon. Any way as the title sugests ive a problem with my REV counter. As soon as i start the engine it jumps right around to 8000 RPM. Most of the time it stays there but some times it has a mess around and jumps back and forth quickly. Any ideas, is this a simple problem or is it a case of buy some new clocks(the whole cluster). All replies very much apreciated.

Cheers all
sounds a bit odd why would it have been taken out at all the unit might be just faulty! They aint dear to replace!
sorry, i saw 3 digit, read the post and thought it was a digital lol sorry. take a trip to a scrappy, the actual dial/needle/motor is easy to swap in the unit
Hi all, I bought a new unit of EBAY and changed it over. Works Perfect now, i changed the whole thing as it was in beeter condition than mine. It's the same apart from the airbag light is in a different place? Does'nt matter it's just why change something like that. Like the model range i supose always changing :D . Any way thnks for advice.

Cheers all
Hey. I have the EXACT same problem with my rev counter. how much did your new unit cost? was it easy to fit? did it not mess up your mileage?
Hi there. i bought the whole cluster second hand of Ebay for £40 deliverd. Some one was breaking one you see. I was going to swap the motor around as some one mentioned above but the unit was in better condition than mine so i swapped the hole thing. The mileage isnt right now but it's not far out. Getting it out is'nt to bad, you undo the screws holding the plastic surround(using a small philips screw driver) then undo the two screws half way down the centre dash plastic. Pull only the top part way from the dash(leave it sort of hanging that way it saves unplugin the switches) Then the plastic surround can easily be slided out(you may have to lower the steering wheel using the adjuster underneath). There is 3 screws holding the unti in and 3 plugs on the back. Unfortunely i cant tell you how to swap motors as i did'nt do that but i hope this is of some help. It certainly sorted mine out.

rev counter is easy to swap, 4 screws go into the back of the motor and these screws also form the contact as they press against the printed circuit.
Excellent. Thanks guys. I may still opt for the motor option, as I have fairly low mileage (55k) and it'll prob be difficult to find a speedo from a spares car that can match that. Will probably pull out the dash and then the motor and have a fiddle later on today. Thanks again!
I dont undertsand why the air bag light would be in a different place! I am sure all Phase 1 models were in the same place and phases2's are different. But you cant fit phase 2 clocks in a phase 1
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