Screeching sound.

Hi all,

About 4 weeks ago I noticed a loud screeching sound briefly when I pressed my brakes. As time went on I heard it when driving then turning right. Then left. Then sometimes when straight on.

I took it to my garage thinking it was the brakes. They told me my front brakes where fine and he advised I get my rear discs and pads done.

He said the screeching sound was "glaze" and it was nothing to worry about.

£200 later with new rear discs and pads everything seemed fine.... For 3 days. Now it's driving me insane listening to it whilst driving.

Does this sound normal? Anyone any ideas what it could be? Should I be worried? I think I should be but want to check before going to a different garage.

Thank you for reading.
Found out the hard way. It was the drivers side front brake caliper starting to seize. Finally did seize and nearly cooked my brakes. New caliper put on and all is fine.
£200 for rear discs and pads.

Fuck you had your pants pulled down!

CoV they probably didn't even bother to check tbh I have NO faith or trust in any garages. my sister had an issue with her car not starting. took it to a garage before asking me to look at it. They told her that her timing belt had loosened and allowed the timing to jump causing it. Quoted her £678 plus VAT and said "but that includes a water pump too"

I went up there when she told me and straight away found that the lift pump was fucked. 100 later and it was fixed......
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