
My mera just hit 113930 and she is due a service does anybody have any idea wot sort of service to send her in for (how big) and what would be needed incase they ask when i come to book her in?
thanks, Rick
is ok its all sorted and booked in now shes goin in on the 8th for mot and service shes gettin plugs, oil + filter change , air filter change, brake fluid change, coolant change, the fuel filter was done on last service so wont be being changed.
in short shes havin a bigish service i was told it would cost £129.95 and £29.50 for mot with free re-test if needed so all in all not to bad pricewise
for the experience and saving its good too do somethings yourself.
Plugs - Easy
Oil/Filter - Easy
Airfilter - Easy
Coolant etc

Will work out alot cheaper
It's also better to do it yourself because you know the job has been done right and nothing has been forgotten or missed out. I've heard of people buying expensive oil, giving it to the garage, and then finding that some crap cheap oil has been used for their oil change etc. That's probably an extreme example, but doing it myself gives me peace of mind.
yeh but im going to a place with a gleaming reputation who r extreemely trusted in fact they even have their own rally team.
plus i agree about the doing it yourself thing but that dosnt put a stamp in ya book
Yeah I find it hard to find a place which is decently priced and trusthworthy, so if you have one that's good! And if you want to keep the service book up to date, fair enough :)
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