short shifter fitment

I know a few of you guys have these fitted so what i was wanting to know is this, the gaiter retaing plate, as it is referred to in the manual, has 2 10mm bolts holding it in place at the front, they are no problem, but there are 2 retaining structures at the rear (the end nearest the handbrake). How the hell are you meant to get these removed?, i spent a good half hour trying with no success.
Yeah cov they look like flat nail heads or as if theyre pressed in. Theyre the just bolts that are flush with the plate. This same problem had me stumped when I fitted my short shifter the first time.
reference these 2 underside nuts, does the exhaust have to be removed to get access to them. Just had a quick wee look today and they seem to be a little obstructed from what I could see.
there a pain with the cat fitted but not so bad with a decat in to get to, either remove the cat or take the exhaust off the hanger.
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