Signs of timing chain

Read alot of bad reviews about timing chains going very early on almeras. Got a 1.5 03 plate. Everytime when the engine is cold i start the engine the car is squeeling and when its warm its fine. Is that a sign of the timing chain goin? Also how much roughly does nissan or a independant garage charge to get it all changed?
that quite a easy and cheap job? im a complete noob when it comes 2 fixing cars but do u think i could do it myself or is it just to hard? lol
If it's the alternator belt it'll be easy, I think it's 2 bolts on the alternator, loosen one off (holds the second on place) then loosen the other until the belt is slack. Remove the belt and replace, tighten it up to the right amount then tighten the locking bolt. Correct me if I'm wrong anyone.
Don't know about the QG, but on the SR crank pulley the alternator belt is closest to the to change just the alt belt you'll have to take the PS/WP belt off too. I imagine it'll be the same on the QG....and loosening the PS pump to get that belt off is a PITA.

But it might not need changing, could be oil on it or something causing it to off just changing it though incase it's stretched and on it's way out.
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