speedometer Gauges problem

hi every1.
am new to Almera. well, my car is having a problem recently. the speedometer, gauges and mrp clock stops working every morning and then after 1h it starts working.... any suggestions what should be causing the problem?
Welcome mate,
To me it sounds like some bad cables or even a cold joint on the inner PCB...try reconnecting the gauge cluster, mby get a electric contact spray and spray the gauge cable sockets... if it won't hepl get a new cluster.
Daft question but have you checked your big ass fuses under the bonnet near the battery?

When I blew the fuse doing my manifold, the dash would come back after about 5/10 minutes but had nothing when first turned.
Thanks buddies.. ill check the fuses. but can u explain what is a gauge cluster???
do i need to open the dashboard panel to check for the connections?
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