sub and amp questions


Staff member
Pardon my ignorance, but i just cannot get my head around sub and amp stuff.

Basically, I want a half decent set up, nothing earth shattering but good non the less. So i was thinking of 2x12" subs (Alpine Type-S) which are rated at 300w RMS each. Can understand that.

The problem arises when i want to find an amp (pref one to drive both subs). what the hell do i need?? two channel? multi channel? mono? And what power rating should i get?

I dont understand the 'bridgeable' stuff and the ohm rating at all.

Would be gratefull for a bit of help!!

well a 2 channel amp thats bridgable that runs at 2x 30rms say, you can bridge the postive from the left channel, and a negative from the right channel, this will produce 1x60rms
and the same goes for 4x50rms channel amp thats bridgable, you can run 2 'bridged' channels the same way as above for 2x100rms
or you can get a 1 channel amp thats 2 ohm stable, so say the amp is 1x150rms, you can run 2 subs by linking them in paralel giving each sub 150rms, or 1 dual voice coil sub can be run like this to give 1x300rms, but the sub and amp have to be able to do this, but not all of them can.
so you want either a 4 channel amp that puts out 2x150rms when bridged, or a single(mono) channel amp that can give out 2x150rms running 2ohms. you can have a higher power amp than this, but that power rating should be enough for the type S
if you need any more detail i can go further into it, but Ive tried to keep it simple
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