hey everyone might have seen my previous post last week on n16 buying information and just managed to find time to get on the internet, i bought the almera after trading in my micra on saturday 27th but couldnt drive till monday as no tax but been driving her for the past week and good things so far, started her on the monday after taxing her and had a horrible squeal on start up and driving it never went quiet, so rang the dealer and said bring it straight back and hel fit me new belts covered under the month warranty he gave me, so did that and watched him fit it, and all was good until today, it only makes a squeal on start up and then stops and afterwards i get a lumpy idle itl sit at 800 but drop to almost stalling itself then rise vice versa but only at a stand still, any ideas on the belt and the lumpy idle? tried ringing dealer but hes on holiday till tuesday and said hel sort it when hes back. i could probably do it myself but what do i do? lol anyway enough of me rambling on im sure you all want pictures otherwise this thread is worthless i know hope to be buying club membership shortly oh and its a 2004 phase 2(i think) 1.5se