After standing still for some 3 weeks, I noticed that upon driving, my car was pulling ever so slightly to the right. I had never noticed this before. A coulple of days later I got the alignment done, but it mustnt have been done right as the car is still drifting off to the right and in addition, I now have to have the steering wheel turned very slightly to the left to maintain straight ahead driving. So yesterday, I decided to inspect the tyres. There is an area of uneven wear and scoring on the very inside of the drivers side tyre. The area of wear is only about 5-6 mm wide but is very noticeable upon inspection. Im hoping this is just down to an alignment problem and not suspension. The front tyres have both been on for 1 year and there is no uneven wear on scoring on the other tyre. Anyone any ideas? My car is lowered 35mm on springs and im concerned that the lowering has maybe created a camber problem, but if that is the case, would it not effect the other tyre also?