Water pump problem?

Hi all ---

So i've had my 'Mera six months, and all that time it's had a little rattle under the bonnet. The battery and the electrics all work, so was wondering if it's the water pump... the car reaches temp etc fine, and the rattle seems worse at slow speeds or when the motor is cold.

Was just wondering if anyone knew how easy it is to swap one out - seen a replacement on ebay for <£20. Or any ideas how much a garage would charge?

Thanks for any help - I'm relatively new at home machanicing.
^I was thinking heat shield too. If the rattle clearly comes from the water pump area though, I would still consider checking the timing chain tensioner first, they wear out and will make the chain rattle more prominent.

Replacing the water pump isn't too bad, if you do end up going that route you'll also have to drain, flush and air purge the cooling system. (And carefully clean and reseal the pumps' mating surface with the appropriate stuff.)
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