what paint for side skirts?

I have a couple of side skirts I wanna paint for my GTi, what primer should I use and how many coats should I apply of primer, colour paint and lacquer?
you want grey plastic primer mate i personally would do 2 coats of primer then flat it with some p1000 paper use a damp clean rag to get rid of the dust. then do about four verry fine thin coats of paint flatting it with p1200 paper after your 2nd and third coats then about 3 - 4 coats of laquer flatting with p1200 between coats. the after ya last coat has wel and truly dried use polish / hand glaze . sould get a good result.
im sure if ive missed anything / got owt wrong other people on here will correct me.
Ye it's good, I do it like this....:
1st coat of primer (gray/white doesn't matter, if you paintin it with a spray gun then mix the primer with some thinner...dunno the exact ratio...or since ur doing the skirts a paintcan will do nice...but do it in thin several layers)
sand the primer with 280 grit paper (for the 2nd coat to bond better)
apply 2nd coat of primer (wait a couple of days to let the primer dry...2-3days on the sun could do, but don't put it on the sun right after painting :P)
flatten the primer with a 320grit and higher(....meaning start from 320 and work it up to 600 grit, if theres low spot or scratch then you need to apply more primer on these places)
then apply base coat...(2-3 coats are more than enough for skirts...just wet sand the base with 1000grit, if you want to go crazy on side skirts then do 3 coats wet sand with 1000, 4th coat wetsand 1500, 5th coat wetsand 1500 but you don't want to do that :D)
wait a couple of days
apply 1st clear coat...(3 coats are enough, also apply hardener and thinner to the clear coat.. and wetsand between 1st and 2nd with 1500grit then wetsand with 2000grit after drying buff the whole skirt with some rubbing compound, then clean it with window washer or something simmilar)

this is how I do it atm :D...not a pro but it's what I heard of my friends who do it...
also dont wet sand with grit less than 1000, with a gun get more pressure for clear coat to atomise it as much as possible, don't mind if you get too much clear somwhere cuz you will be sanding it anyway....just make sure the clear gets everywhere....guess thats all

you could do it alot simpler and get (well personally better results) lol

3 layers of primer (if using a gun 60% paint / 40% primer)

wet flat with 400 (this gives good bite and gives a key also.

Paint (if using a gun use 60/40 again for first 2 coats, using 1200 to wet flat it
2 more coats of paint at 50/50 (do this froma good foot away and dust the paint on)
wet flat with 1200 - then wet flat with 2000

3 coats of laquer (thin coats) making sure not to get runs! if possible!

i personally dont wet flat the laquer between coats as if you scratch it visably you will spend ages waiting for it to dry hard before you can cut it better so you cant see the scratch

then a very fine top coat of laquer - being the 4th coat!
then wet flat 1200 - 2000 and then i cut it wil wet flat 2000 and washing up liquid (stops it cutting as much)

let it dry for 2 days (just keep in a room temp place doesnt need heat)
then G3 it with a rag, giving a good wrist action on this!
bigger panels i use my buffer with 4" and 8" buffers accordingly (keeping away from the edges)

then i use ferecle waxtop for polishing it as it has a wax coat in it aswell which if you use polish correctly gives it a deep colour and a wax coat aswell leaving it SHINE!

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