
Hi guys and gals! New to the site! My names Gerard im from Westmeath in ireland but am curently working in sheffield in england. I drive 2 cars at the moment a bmw 3sieres for work and a mitsubishi colt as my show car... i also have a project car at home in ireland a nissan sunny n14, its going to be a FWD GTI-Rit has all the GTI-R kit and is just waiting an engine transplant! looking to sell the colt and bmw and get an almera SRI!

anyways thats it! :rasp:
Welcome Gerard!!

That's a great choice of conversion that you have there as a project. I did one of the very first conversions of the same type in Australia back in '97. Such an awesome combination.

Welcome to the AOC lad, post some pics of all 3 cars up in the members rides section. Are the BM & Colt both UK cars??
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