Another 'mera newbie then...

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Well thanks.. Not quite as impressive as it would have been had I not hit anything, though..
sorry to see the car looking like that mate, at least your ok though.

in a strange sort of way its good we see pictures like this, reminds you how easy it is to have a crash and how even minding your own business you can easily end up off the road in a split second, i already drive slower in the wet but i think ill take extra care from now on, just never know whats around the next corner.
Exactly.. patchy ice - was already doing only 60 vs my usual 90 on exit of the bend you can see in the distance (early hours, no alcohol)

Patchy ice is one thing, holes in the road (ready to grab hold of the rear tyres) are another entirely, either one on their own is enough to cause something like that..

Still - I'm not sure I'm going to let it adjust the way I drive too much - I enjoy it too damned much. Same reason I'll never give up the tabs - sure, it might kill me, but as long as I'm the only one affected, it's my enjoyment, and my risk to take.

I could live out my days as a hermit chewing lettuce leaves (after sterilisation)

Trouble is, if a plane crashed on my little mud hut, I'd still be equally as dead..
Alright, we're dealing with very different levels of risk, but bugger that, I'll take life by the balls thank you very much.

Can't fault you for backing off a tad in the wet though - find myself "guilty" there, trouble is there's no scrabbling sound (the one preceeding a screech by about 5mph) that tells you the tyres are about to go on strike.. It's just the same squelch..
heh.. oddly enough, I didn't count that benefit.
YAY! Stonechips are no longer visible! :D
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