Auto Electric Window button

i was thinkin it needs an auto passenger one because i pull up hit the driver side switch and get ready to turn the car off but there i am sitting holding the passenger switch lol

im driving around with no window switches today lol

ill help out with this little project, togethjer well sort it haha
Yeah I hate that, it seems to take an age to put the passenger one up, probably doesn't but meh.

Getting a spare control unit this weekend to have a butchers at, still wondering whether the easy option would be to fit a second AUTO switch for the passenger switch, and then use a microcontroller to close the window fully... would have to do it on a timer though, and work out how long it takes to close...
I have a clifford alamr and the guy that fitted it could make the passenger side "one touch" i dont know weather to bother doing that or get him to install smart windows so as soon as a press my fob button both windows go up!
Yeah I was thinking about a total closure module for my viper alarm so that all the windows go up when I activate the alarm, not sure how pricey it'll be though.
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