Did'nt give it.
I could though...
why do you keep putting caps lock on?
i need help
the gti i got one side skirting is ok but other has 5 screws and has slight crack should i get another set `ph2 or
as they say ph2 doesn`t fit on ph1 maybe previous owner forced it and screwed it on
hahaha,youve gone from breaking it to selling it, to keeping it and modding it in the next week r two!
krazy :lol:
You're definitely friends of the Rich Tea. I'm getting a headache just reading this thread.
Slow down a bit dude, and please use more punctuation, grammar and generally correct English.
Besides that, any Gti can be brought back to former glory. I proved that. Spend an hour or so looking through the members rides pages, decide what you want to do then ask the questions.