Docco86 Build Thread

It really looks A lot nicer in person, had the pleasure of sitting in one and destroying it with mucky jeans and shoes while incredibly drunk ;)
Yup :)

50 my arse! And the price you tryin to charge me for regular N1's :p Hope they're still attached them doors when i collect em ;)

wasn tryin to charge ya there not for sale ;) lol....

wonder would he sell the bonnet as his is never ever goin to get goin if he leaves it with C U N T i mean gunt tuning..

---------- Post added at 12:13 ---------- Previous post was at 12:12 ----------

always think that orange is vile! ... but god i want them lol


me to but some super duper rareness wins over looks...

---------- Post added at 12:13 ---------- Previous post was at 12:13 ----------

It really looks A lot nicer in person, had the pleasure of sitting in one and destroying it with mucky jeans and shoes while incredibly drunk ;)

shame on you.....

hording some stuff...
^^^not what I was told by the lads that tuned mine... Unequal length is the problem, Quite easily adapted to be right tho. Although the welding is pretty poor aswell it's not gas tight mine have been leaking at the welds since I fitted. Still the best for the money I think... No one seems to make a decent bolt on header for ve's?
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