ga14 and ga16 compatibility

Hi there,

My question today is ... how compatible are the ga14 and ga16 engines?

Ie, would i be able to take the rocker cover off one and stick it on the other?

same goes for alternator and other parts like that.

they are the same engine apart from the internal dimensions, i.e. increased displacement

EDIT: very slight difference on cam size, very very small difference
At a guess id say the ecu's would be the same but the cam difference is so minute you wouldnt notice any difference.
Yeah I was thinking that.
Although there feels to be a pretty damn huge difference between 14 and 16, my friend's got a 1.4 equation and he's got absolutely no chance against my SRI
15bhp counts for a lot as ive found out a few bhp is the difference between my mates zetec s driving away and me sticking to his bumper :p hes not happy :p
Haha to be fair these Almera's take a fair beating, two of my mates have got tuned up fiesta Xr2i's, one of them is running a superchip, cosworth injectors, etc etc, all the stupid shit they do to fords, haha, and I flew round him on the dual carrigeways!!
0-60 in 10 seconds, they aint quick cars mate, slightly nippy perhaps. I just want more and more power though lol
Yeah definitely, I took mine on a track day to Donnington earlier on this year, and round the bends I was keeping up with everything, but on the straights even small cars were over taking me! A shitron AX for example.
At one point I was right behind an Impreza round the bend before the straight and I was on the limit slightly catching him up, then all of a sudden he lost it sideways and I managed to get round the outside of him!
Not bad handling for the size etc.
Needs a bit more poke though definitely ;)
have you ever been in a city AX GT500, really nice and pretty damn nippy.

should stop spammin the thread lol
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