green almera looks mint

I've got a better idea actually!

This will make it fair on my behalf with me being the only female here...

How about, I post a picture of myself in a new thread and whatever it is I am doing or wearing in that picture, you guys have to do a similar one in return?

If you do, then I will make my pictures more interesting and whoever posts the best picture of themselves in that thread will recieve a nice PM off me!

lol, fair enough we could copy what you are doing, but how many of us have access to womens clothing to copy what you are wearing, or do we wear the mans equivilent? ie, boxers to your thong?
No, that's just normal! :)

As for the TITS or GTFO - I have made my suggestion! The only thing that will get me to do anything is if you make it fair or I get nothing bare!
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