How complicated are heating controls in a car? In my p2 N16 everything is electronicly controlled, but this is only by controlling acuators on paddles that direct airflow and control the heater box.
Shot in the dark here, but I'm wondering if a control unit from another car could work? BMW, Seat etc all have seperate modules that control A/C, fans, heater so could the signals being sent (if they were simple controls) by these control the functions in another car, in this case my p2?
As I say, shot in the dark but would be great is anyone has a clue about this sort of stuff.
Shot in the dark here, but I'm wondering if a control unit from another car could work? BMW, Seat etc all have seperate modules that control A/C, fans, heater so could the signals being sent (if they were simple controls) by these control the functions in another car, in this case my p2?
As I say, shot in the dark but would be great is anyone has a clue about this sort of stuff.