Hello, I'm not really a newbie as I've b

ok so i went over to the garage today with tufti's car and swapped the wheel around so i could begin work on the alloys, now this is just the first coat and a test wheel which is the reason i have a reaction on the side of the spokes don't worry this will be flatted out and put through proper prep before the wheel is given its final coat of clear coat.

so let me know what u think comments and suggestions welcome

thought I'd bagged your rear carriers when I saw this in the scrappy today, unfortunately both complete rear brake assemblies were gone :(


though there is something of interest for will ;)


did some work on the wheels today forgot to take a pic of them before i left they are now all steel grey coloured tomorrow i'll finish them off and then get some tyres on them but here is a pic of half way through.

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