Matt - Back in Town! With PICS!


Staff member
Could do with a clean though mate :P I reckon they look ace!



And just for comparison here's the photoshop I did a while back:
sri_alan said:
so whats wrong with going to le-mans and whats wrong with the stickers? looks pretty good to me

There's certainly nothing wrong with going to Le Mans. Just not a fan of broadcasting stuff myself. But hey! Whatevers your bag innit. Thats what cars are all about to me, doing your own 'thang' :D
I think the car looks great...definitely an eye catcher!

le mans was 16-17 June as the stickers say, my mate went and said it was frickin' awesome! :D I'm incredibly jealous of him :P
A guy at work went to Le Mans at the weekend for a stag weekend, seems like it was a good event!

I'll ask if he spotted any stickered up UK cars but I think he was probably pissed up lol
Corbs said:
I am officially the silliest person in the room right now.
anyone want to vote to put it in the muppet posts section?? :P ;) only kidding...easy mistake to make I guess :)

nice set of cars your mates have got there Garnz!
sri_alan said:
so whats wrong with going to le-mans and whats wrong with the stickers?

i dint say any think was wrong with goin le-mans i just dont like seein stickers or visual on cars, its my personal view
Hey garnz, passed your mates on the way back, even got some film with them and got the same boat back with them!!!!! Posted some cleaner pics in the junkyard section.
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