Mmmm blue dials!

looks fresh mate, i got some direct replacement led/holders for my sunny, blautacho or omething along those lines do a almera kit too, they were seriously blue, will try and find a pic but to be honest i prefer the colour you have, like alaska blue, really fresh mmm minty lol

well done
i could do with some brighter needle bulbs. I'll take a look at this light tube or whatever and try to work out how you did it from there :P
Basically the needles are normally lit by light from the backlight bulbs, but I covered the light tube with black shrink tubing with a red LED against the light tube :)
Good job, looks very slick.

hmm wonder if a sheet of blue acrylic would do a similar job without the need for wiring or replacement bulbs? I'm think probably not as you'd need to improve the brightness of the current lights? May experiment with that or a fiber optic solution.
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