My £200 N15 P2 in White

Steven C - What?

Simcard, it was me, but it wasn't quite as simple as that mate! Anyways that shows the work I can do (Some people loved that car, others hated it and thought it was a chav wreck, everyone's entitled to their own opinion. I respect everyone has different tastes)

The almera is just having the rust treated/removed, alloys and a good clean. I will be putting a normal number plate back on this week.

Considering a euro theme on this one though, maybe smooth and low. Have to see how I get on with it over a few months. I never spend any real money until I know im keeping the car

Have hardly driven the Almera yet as the clutch has started to slip badly
Ps. I have been trying to reply to the user offering me a rear light, but it wont let me send it to you!

I tried to reply the day you sent the pic, I am going to have to leave it for a few weeks until I get paid as I need all the money I can get at the moment to get a new clutch first. I apologize if i've wasted your time

Go for it mate, I very much doubt il be spending any serious cash on this one - it was a £200 stop gap to be fair. Saving for a 106 gti :)
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