My car Paint

Just do it mate, it's your car, if you like it then that's what matters.
I have painted my car in 2 colours, topside the original green of my car and the botom in pearlshine white with silver flakes. Between the two colours is a barbwire striping. I've had already 4 cups won in Belgium for Best of paint and it's painted pretty much the same way as Darrens ideer. For pics go to member 559.
Don't like the paint job. Looks like a good job, I just generally don't like two tone cars. I like the white though and I think if the whole car was that color it'd be cool.

p.s. The bonnet looks like it's been made from MDF.
StevenC said:
p.s. The bonnet looks like it's been made from MDF.
:lol: :uberlol:

I am just going to stay with the original color my mate said if I am going to respray the whole car I might as well change the color of it he said BMW Grey (the new BMW 3-Series Color looks mint)I was thinking about that on my car :)
yuck that N16 looks awful. I would leave it the way it is darren, unless ur going for a straight colour change. make it something mental - Canary yellow, orange, Pink. go wild!. Or erm..........just leave it. lol *goes off to sit in the corner* :p
Are you still making a showcar darren? Grey's quite subdued...
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