My new motor.

Its black........good luck! Mates dad had one of these, comfortable, nice noise, not too sluggish. Enjoy mate.

Quick question Fred. Was the private plate his surname but all squashed up with no spacing on the plate?
Still worth a pimpin' Fredo

Damo-Sri said:
Quick question Fred. Was the private plate his surname but all squashed up with no spacing on the plate?
It certainly is/was! ;)

Also, I`ve just got a full leather interior for it off the bay, that`s going in over the holiday! :cool:

Sim: Don`t tempt me! ;)
Well, the sad day of the GTis departure grows ever closer, as I`ve just transfered the plate to the Laguna.

Got a pic of them together for sentimental reasons. :rolleyes:

Also, please note that the AOC is acknowledged with the rear wiper mod. ;) :cool:

The worlds first N15 Laguna! lol

I must admit, I've driven my mum's Laguna a few times and although it's the slowest car in the world (it's only got a paltry 1.6) it's quite comfortable. She's getting LOTS of electrical problems with it now though in true French style! lol, only a V reg with 60k on the clock too :|
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