my now black GTi

so me and oscar had a bash at re-spraying my car cos i was board and i had always wanted a matt black car :D






thoughts is it a first???

well you've got bigger bollox than me, bloody hell! big respect. :appl:

love it as well, 'cos i was bored'!!

looks pretty cool as well, and a pretty decent finish. i can't actually believe you did the whole car just randomly, sure it's not a nifty photoshop??!! :lol:

only jokin. rota's look real cool as well. think it's a first, quickdraw was gonna do it, did his front bumper, but is breakin his now.

how long it take?
Haha nice! I was gonna have a bash at spraying mine blue with spray cans, but you beat me! You gonna buffer it at all or leave it matt?
its different for an almera, and i actually kinda like it.

Looks well moody in the almost finished pics, where the paint is on the tape of the lights, if you could get that effect on th lights that would look mint!
it was hard work but worth it! Payed well to! Me lunch and a packet of rolos! Ftw! Looks moody and it came out well!
im not going to beat arond your misses bush and follow the crowed, i think it looks shit, not only the paint but the rear arches and the unfinished front splitter, waste of time and effort IMO
Well done for having the balls to do it, but it's not for me i'm afraid. Think it more suits the golf and such like. but even then it's at a push. Just looks unfinished.

My 2pence.

Balls for doing it thats for sure but Im with Rhyd here on this one here. Really don't like that splitter! U changed the v5?
I do like it!

After everything I said before lol. But yeah the splitter needs doing along with the detailing :) the bonnet could do with another coat!
i know its not everyones taste but i will be getting a different front splitter and matching front arches.. i wouldnt say waste of effort though i have fun doing it...
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