N16 pulsar project

smoked yeehaa haha
Love the look of the backed-out rears on a white car, not so sure plod, dvla, vosa, insurance company and mot testers would agree but it looks good for a pic.
Love the look of the backed-out rears on a white car, not so sure plod, dvla, vosa, insurance company and mot testers would agree but it looks good for a pic.
Yeah i checked that out. The rules here in new zealand are you must be able to see it from 200m in the dark and 100m in daylight. They look a lot darker in the picture though.
And yeah i hated the red lights haha
HELP. does anyone know if its possible to remove the stock steering wheel (with airbag). I dont want it inflating on me when i try take the steering wheel off

Remove covers on side of wheel, undo both T50 bolts for airbag, remove and unplug. Then i think its a 19mm (could be wrong) nut for the wheel itself.
Lol 6k when i should and more like 12k when Im feeling lazy :D

Ok so i need some opinions. Ive got a bit of cash lying around and its time to get some nice rims. :) Has anyone got any ideas of ones that look good on n16.... I ideally would like something with a polished lip but want to see what people think first
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