newbie gearbox trouble

hello every1 i am new to this but would be very grateful for any help. i have a 95 almera and had some work done on my gearbox in fact they changed but i didnt know they had bought a different version and the internal cv joint end was different so they cut my drive shaft in half and welded it. Needless to say it has snapped i would to know if there is any way of finding a serial number on my gearbox so i can buy a drive shaft to match. I think thats enough for my first post any help much appreciated you are my last hope thanks every1
no probs :

what almera is it

gti/sri/si/equation etc etc,
dont really need the serial code, just the model or engine size :D
i dont know the codes but i there is a few 1.4 gearboxes/driveshafts about for sale but depends where you live :D
i can get 1, an i think tommo has one to :D

depends where you are fella :D??
prob can mate yes but the trouble is i have just spent a fortune getting the roof fixed on my house stupid of me i know but i am really trying to cut costs so was going to do it myself just one hiccup though lol
passenger side driveshaft but it has to match the gearbox they put in lol therefore i need a way to find out what gearbox it is as the internal cv joints are different
i tried just buying another drive shaft 50 notes but the internal cv joint was smaller so removed the cv joint to try and put the bigger one on only to find the shaft was a few mil smaller in diameter as well haha not really
i have to go out now thanks for every1s help i will still be scratching my brain 2moro so will be back lol thanks to every1 who has and will post.

as i say thanks every1
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