Newbie in training

Yeah, I know, was only being half serious. I'm just so bad with putting names, faces, screen-names and cars together and remembering them that I need to be introduced to someone 3 or 4 times before I get it. I can't be the only one like that. :)

At the York meet earlier this year, it was only the Scottish contingent that I knew initially. I met so many members that day, I still wouldn't be able to name half of them ! :lol:
I'm quite bad with anything memory related atm. But I had lots of fun at Crail and am looking forward to going again and if the punto goes its purely as a ferry for the kids or passengers, no way i'd try a run in it.lmao, not unless i make changes to her, but even then i'd rather steal a run in the gti. :) Its more fun to drive.

As far as screen names go i pretty much live with mine. i answer to Neen, but I answer to tufty more. lol. I've spent too much time using voice chat on online games. :)
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