First PE ran the car in SHOOT_4 mode as per everyone else. But after checking previous print outs I had with me which were all in SHOOT_4F (for forced induction) we did another few runs.
(Looking at Eds of shoot 4 and shoot 4f) I think if I remember correctly the man said that it was hard to find a category to place diesels in as they are a bit of a grey area.
This is a good point. It seems Dyno Dynamics have made a good rolling resistance for petrol n/a in SHOOT_4 mode but really it seems a diesel needs something inbetween that and 4F. He also said how the gear selection. To bring up peak power within a certain speed. On the DCi 3rd fell just short and 4th just over so another grey area.
First thing to remember here is I'm working against the ECU's OEM map, so the boost won't ever go higher than stock thus fueling won't increase either. It's about the drive improvement for now and the mods here will help loads when it comes to remapping.
From these graphs I can see how the torque delivery after the VNT does it's thing (that little spike) is more sustained and continues rising past 3k. This is improved from before the IC upgrade and cold feed. So the mods I've done
have made a small improvement in delivery but no really power or torque increaseds... which is understandable really as I said it's still got standard mapping.
The runs also showed the governer coming in at about 4.3k reducing fuel (or boost pressure via the VNT mech) and at the same time power drops off rapidly. Power is also consistant with AFR. This shows me how an improved map which increases fuel and boost pressure at 3.5k far higher than currently will give me an increased power curve right the way up to 4750k or even 5k.
I can't wait for this to be unleashed!!
AFR (print out from previous run in SHOOT_4 mode).