Problem with N16 exhaust or something else?

Hi guys.

My N16 sounds like it's doing 6000 rpm when it's only doing 2000. It sounds like a rally car. it also makes this loud noise when I start up the car then it calms a little (but still noisy). The only time I get some peace is when I coast (push clutch all the way down). Also, for a few seconds when moving off and also when the clutch is slightly higher than biting point (waiting for green at traffic lights) I get rattling noise. Don't know if it is related.

I took it to a garage about a month ago and he said it could be the exhaust but he doesn't want to waste my money because it could go now or 8 months later.

Have any of you come across this or have any idea what it could be?

Is there a mechanic in London that you guys could recommend? I don't want to take it somewhere that doesn't know what they're talking about/will overcharge me.

Thanks guys
Slightly lower mpg? Thats about it. Oh and people thinking you're a rude boy.

Ok, I've read online that emissions can get into the car (I do not want that happening due to my passengers) and also some guy's shoes melted because the ground was so hot. Would doing this
solve the above issues? If not, how much should I expect to pay to replace the exhaust (Is that the best solution?).

Also, about people thinking I'm a rudeboy:
Centre section and backbox cost me £130ish to replace two weeks ago when I MOT'd my car. Phone your local motorfactors they should have a price around £130-£140
Thanks all. Is that price for an original part? If not, are all manufacturers equal? If not, which should I avoid?

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