Thanks thomas, yeah I hope it does too but at the minute his insurance company are insisting that he no longer had insurance so it doesn't look good :(
I am totally fuckin gutted for ya matey - i certainly would not be pleased, if he passed out behind the wheel then surely that would be classed as a medical condition which would dictate if your license is still valid or not? Regardless of that, that was one nice N16 - one of a very few band of nicely modded n16's in my opinion...

Hope ya replace it with something equally as nice (as you can get) soon-ish!
Gutted for you mate. Just glad you were not in it at the time!

Hope it all works out, getting money out of insurers can be like getting blood from a stone.

This is why I pay extra on my premium for legal protection - so I can have my insurance company pay the cost of having to sue the arse off anyone that hits my ride while uninsured.
Thanks paul and wraith. It doesn't look too good at the minute. His insurance company have confirmed that his insurance has lapsed while his company director insists that it hasn't. Will probably be talking to a solicitor tomorrow. Just got the pictures from straight after it, this is what I came out to (first picture) still devastating.



My insurance have been on; offered to look after everything (courtesy car, could have mine valued tomorrow and cheque by middle of next week) but said that if he did turn out to be uninsured my no claims would not be protected and my premium (due for renewal in the next couple of months) would dramaticly increase :( Plus I've been told that the MIBI won't do much for ya if you've fully comp because as far as they're concearned the event is covered by an insurance company...
Mate, cutting your losses and just claiming on insurance may not be that bad an idea. If its an uninsured driver and you are not at fault, then they cannot really hold it against you in future. Yes, it may go up a bit, but think of the thousands you will loose otherwise.
It was a phase 1 coulson! I don't know If I'll be able to get them out!

Steven; I'll talk to the insurance company tomorrow but I've worked so hard to get my no claims bonus up to three years, I've never claimed and have no points so the loss of my squeeky clean record may amount to more, financially, than the car is worth!
I doubt that very much.

Although it is a claim, many insurance companies would not consider a claim against an unisured driver to be YOUR claim, so your NCB may actually stay in tact.

Even if they do take it as YOUR claim, they may only take 1 or 2 of your 3 years NCB rather than all of it which surely is better than loosing a few thousand euros? Also consider that your insurance company sound like they will sort you out i.e.e less hassle etc.
Sounds like a lose lose situation, but I think Steven is right, you'll probably lose more in the value of the car if you don't claim, than you would save with your no claims bonus. Why not try and stick it in an insurance form online and see what the difference is?

The ridiculous thing is that this is a company you're dealing with that claims it has insurance, not some random uninsured twat. Makes it even more enraging.

Also: Will he get prosecuted for driving without insurance?
Thanks Steven, I'll get on to my insurance crowd today and see how it would effect my policy.

I'd rather the gardai and solicitors weren't involved as its just gonna cause them loads of expense and hassle. I can't understand why he hasn't even attempted to reach some sort of settlement with me :confused: But I never got any details of the guy who was driving and the company director hasn't spoken to me since Tuesday. He lets all my calls go to his voicemail and now has the phone off altogether!

Re prosecution; the driver will prob lose his license and could be repromanded for driving without insurance, also then the director of the company could also be prosecuted for negligence as it's his responsibilty to make sure the company cars are insured. All of which makes my mind boggle as to why he doesn't seem to want to settle it, save himself all of the hassle....

The Investigating Garda has been off since Tuesday but is back in work today so I'll keep ye posted...
He's finally conceaded to my insurance company that he's not insured so they can now deal with it for me. They're going to give me what they think its worth and deal with the MIBI themselves so I can have a cheque this week!

I don't know what to get now!!! All the decent VZR's available are looking for approx. €7k around Dublin. Have considered a few others though (180sx, S14 etc.) what do you reckon?

P.S. SR20 Redtop -v- Blacktop; Whats the difference and which one is the one you really want?
Haha, if I were gonna take him to court I didn't know where I would stand having a picture posted on the net with the company director in it so figured I'd KKK the lot of them!
Its still a kick in the nuts. The only decent one on sale in Ireland went for €9,000 last week, well that was the asking and its now sold!! Plus it was bog standard, no aftermarket lights/alarm/alloys nothing... If I want the same again I've to buy an abused one and find the money to get it to the state mine was in or import a decent one from the U.K. and hand the taxman over €1,300!!
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