Have you searched for it?
Maybe some other member will copy and paste it for you but I paid to be a member so I cold access the 'how to' section.
Jesus Christ some people on here need to get a fucking grip
This cliquey attitude is killing the club, the information isnt owned by anyone
Theres the guide.
people who do not pay should not get the information as members paied for it so why should others get it free ?Corbs is only being fair to the people who have paid for infomation like this. Perhaps we should abolish the membership idea altogether, i'd donate to help the club online but bar that, i can't see what i'm getting for £15 anymore that someone else isn't getting for free.
While you lot bicker, something i did think of, if you have the 3rd brake light at the bottom of the rear window, like i do, surely putting the wiper infront of it would block it, making it an MOT fail? Possibly?
yes i have !Anyone have a pic of this done with the standard wiper arm? And how far does it wipe upwards?
No i tell you whats killing the club, stuff like how no fucker can be arsed to turn up to a meet thats been organised for months even though they put their names down saying they'd come.
Corbs is only being fair to the people who have paid for infomation like this. Perhaps we should abolish the membership idea altogether, i'd donate to help the club online but bar that, i can't see what i'm getting for £15 anymore that someone else isn't getting for free.
some times things come up though and people cant/cant afford to make it!
While you lot bicker, something i did think of, if you have the 3rd brake light at the bottom of the rear window, like i do, surely putting the wiper infront of it would block it, making it an MOT fail? Possibly?